Sustainability publications
News (58)
Documents (76)
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- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Fragrance & Beauty
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Fragrance & Beauty
- Sustainability
- Fragrance & Beauty
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Fragrance & Beauty
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Fragrance & Beauty
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
- Corporate
- Sustainability
Documents (76)
2024 ESG and Givaudan
Highlighting our progress on environment, social and governance.
2024 Integrated Report on economic and ESG progress
This annual report presents Givaudan’s financial and non-financial performance (ESG) in 2024, reporting our sustainable value creation for all our stakeholders.
2024 GRI Content Index
Global standards for sustainability impacts.
2024 SASB Standards
Providing industry-based disclosures about sustainability-related risks and opportunities.
2024 TCFD Recommendations
The TCFD recommendations offer a comprehensive framework for Givaudan to assess and disclose its climate-related financial risks and opportunities. By aligning with these recommendations, Givaudan can enhance transparency, resilience, and long-term value creation in the face of climate change challenges.
2024 Double Materiality Assessment
The double materiality assessment framework provides a structured approach for Givaudan to evaluate both the impact of its activities on the environment and society, as well as the influence of environmental and social factors on its business operations and financial performance. By considering both internal and external perspectives, Givaudan can better understand its broader impacts and effectively integrate sustainability into its decision-making processes.
2024 Emission Calculation Methodology and Restatement of Information
Our scope 3 GHG emissions calculation methodologies document outlines the iterative process of modelling emissions, emphasising enhancements such as increased granularity in raw material modelling and improved accuracy through additional packaging categories and business travel classifications, aiming to decrease uncertainty while advocating for transparency and industry alignment.
2023 ESG and Givaudan
Highlighting our progress on environment, social and governance.
2023 CDP Report on Climate Change
The CDP climate questionnaire serves as a comprehensive tool for Givaudan to assess and disclose its environmental impacts, particularly regarding climate change. By addressing key metrics and strategies outlined in the questionnaire, Givaudan can enhance transparency and accountability in its climate-related efforts.
2023 CDP Report on Water Security
The CDP water questionnaire provides a structured framework for Givaudan to evaluate and report its water management practices and risks. Through detailed inquiries into water usage, conservation measures, and risk mitigation strategies, Givaudan can enhance its understanding of water-related impacts and improve its stewardship of this critical resource.
2023 SASB Standards
Providing industry-based disclosures about sustainability-related risks and opportunities.
2023 TCFD Recommendations
The TCFD recommendations offer a comprehensive framework for Givaudan to assess and disclose its climate-related financial risks and opportunities. By aligning with these recommendations, Givaudan can enhance transparency, resilience, and long-term value creation in the face of climate change challenges.
2023 Double Materiality Assessment
The double materiality assessment framework provides a structured approach for Givaudan to evaluate both the impact of its activities on the environment and society, as well as the influence of environmental and social factors on its business operations and financial performance. By considering both internal and external perspectives, Givaudan can better understand its broader impacts and effectively integrate sustainability into its decision-making processes.
2023 Emission Calculation Methodology and Restatement of Information
Our scope 3 GHG emissions calculation methodologies document outlines the iterative process of modelling emissions, emphasising enhancements such as increased granularity in raw material modelling and improved accuracy through additional packaging categories and business travel classifications, aiming to decrease uncertainty while advocating for transparency and industry alignment.
2023 Integrated Report on economic and ESG progress
This integrated annual report presents Givaudan’s financial, environmental and social performance in 2023, reporting our sustainable value creation for all our stakeholders.
Position statement on due diligence and transparency on child labour and forced labour
Givaudan’s position on child labour and forced labour, and alignment to various regulations, including the Swiss Code of Obligations, UK Modern Slavery Act, Australian Modern Slavery Act, as well as the US California Transparency in supply Chain Act, besides others.
2022 ESG Overview
Highlighting our progress on environment, social and governance.
2023 CDP Report on Forests
Disclosing environmental data through the Forests Questionnaire to address the use of key forest-risk commodities.
Position statement on conflict minerals and metals
Position on conflict minerals and metals, and alignment to various regulations incl. Swiss Code of Obligations, EU Conflict Minerals Regulation & US Dodd-Frank Act beside others.
Position statement on the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free products (EUDR)
We will be taking all necessary steps to ensure we comply with all requirements applicable to us according to our role in the supply chain as and when they become applicable to us.
2022 SASB Standards Mapping
Providing industry-based disclosures about sustainability-related risks and opportunities.
2022 TCFD Recommendations
The TCFD recommendations offer a comprehensive framework for Givaudan to assess and disclose its climate-related financial risks and opportunities. By aligning with these recommendations, Givaudan can enhance transparency, resilience, and long-term value creation in the face of climate change challenges.
2022 CDP Questionnaire Water
The CDP water questionnaire provides a structured framework for Givaudan to evaluate and report its water management practices and risks. Through detailed inquiries into water usage, conservation measures, and risk mitigation strategies, Givaudan can enhance its understanding of water-related impacts and improve its stewardship of this critical resource.
2022 CDP Questionnaire Climate Change
The CDP climate questionnaire serves as a comprehensive tool for Givaudan to assess and disclose its environmental impacts, particularly regarding climate change. By addressing key metrics and strategies outlined in the questionnaire, Givaudan can enhance transparency and accountability in its climate-related efforts.
2022 Sustainability Report
This sustainability report – following GRI standards – documents our corporate social responsibility actions and results in 2022 using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to report on our non-financial and sustainability-related performance through the ESG lens.
2022 UK Modern Slavery Act
This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Givaudan has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
2022 ESG and Givaudan
Highlighting our progress on environment, social and governance.
2021 GRI Sustainability Report
This sustainability report documents our corporate social responsibility actions and results in 2021 using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to report on our non-financial and sustainability-related performance through the ESG lens.
Givaudan Water Policy
Our Givaudan Water Policy emphasises our commitment to water stewardship. As an industry leader with 250 years of heritage, we take our responsibility seriously and strive to drive a positive impact in watersheds where we source and operate. The policy therefore focuses on where and what matters most.
2020-2021 UK Modern Slavery Act Ungerer
Givaudan's commitment to eradicate human trafficking and slavery from its operations and direct supply chain is expressed through our compliance to the Modern Slavery Act (2015 Bill S.54).
Position statement on Givaudan's commitment to social responsibility
At Givaudan, Social Responsibility is deeply ingrained in our corporate culture. For Givaudan this entails going beyond financial due-diligences and establishing leading ethics, social and environmental practices at our sites and areas of operations.
Responsible Sourcing Policy
Givaudan is committed to sourcing all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment by 2030. As an industry leader with 250 years of heritage, we work in partnership with producers and suppliers to transform the way we source and create new value to be shared by all.
2020 GRI Sustainability Report
This report documents our corporate social responsibility actions and results in 2020 using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to report on our non-financial and sustainability-related performance.
Givaudan Human Rights Policy
Givaudan has made an explicit commitment to respect human rights, including labour rights, as outlined in our Group-wide Principles of Conduct and in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. Respect for human rights is an essential guide to the right way of doing business and to living our purpose. A commitment to high ethical standards, as well as transparency and honesty in our dealings with employees, customers, suppliers and the communities where we operate, enables us to be a responsible corporate citizen.
2019 CDP climate report on climate change
Our CDP climate report which informed our 2020 CDP score on climate change over the reporting year 2019.
2020 CDP climate report on water
Our CDP climate report which informed our 2020 CDP score on water usage over the reporting year 2019.
Position statement on palm oil
Givaudan aims to source sustainable palm oil ingredients from suppliers committing to the “No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE)” principles. Our approach’s key objectives; to increase transparency of our palm oil supply up to mill level, drive positive change in our supply chains and support the inclusion of smallholders.
2019 Sustainability Highlights
This report highlights our corporate social responsibility actions and results in 2019, showcasing our progress against our sustainability focus areas in 2019.
2019 Sustainability GRI Index
This report compiles the complete set of the selected GRI disclosures and detailed indicators to report on our environmental, economic and social actions and progress.
2019 UK Slavery Act
Givaudan's commitment to eradicate human trafficking and slavery from its operations and direct supply chain is expressed through our compliance to the Modern Slavery Act (2015 Bill S.54).
2019 UK Modern Slavery Act Naturex
Givaudan's commitment to eradicate human trafficking and slavery from its operations and direct supply chain is expressed through our compliance to the Modern Slavery Act (2015 Bill S.54).
California Supply Chain Act
This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Givaudan has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
Position statement on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and particularly on local legislations and regulations implementing the Nagoya Protocol
Givaudan supports the terms of the Convention of Biological Diversity, being the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of the components of biological diversity and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of genetic resources.
Givaudan’s commitment to social responsibility
At Givaudan, social responsibility is deeply ingrained in our corporate culture. For Givaudan this entails going beyond financial due-diligence and establishing leading ethics, social and environmental practices at our sites and areas of operations. We consider this as a basic license to operate our business, and use it as an effective tool to engage with our stakeholders.
2019 Compliance with California Transparency in Supply Chain Act
Givaudan’s commitment to eradicate child labour, human trafficking and slavery from its direct supply chain is expressed through our compliance to the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act (2010 CA Bill S.657).
Position statement on global diversity
At Givaudan, we embrace diversity throughout our organisation and are fully committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce. Respecting, and indeed celebrating, diversity adds value to the experience of working for and with Givaudan.
Givaudan’s commitment to environment, health and safety
At Givaudan, we commit to ensure the safety and health of people and the environment, our workplaces and the communities in which we operate. The commitment is formalised in our EHS policy, a set of principles embraced by the highest level of our leadership.
Position statement on Givaudan’s commitment to environment, health and safety
Our EHS Policy is essential to ensure the safety and health of people and the environment, our workplaces and the communities in which we operate.
2018 Sustainability Progress Review
Our Sustainability Progress Review highlights advances made during the first full year of ‘A Sense of Tomorrow’ in the areas of sourcing, innovation, environment and with our people and partners.
2018 UK Slavery Act Naturex
Givaudan's commitment to eradicate human trafficking and slavery from its operations and direct supply chain is expressed through our compliance to the Modern Slavery Act (2015 Bill S.54).
2017-2018 UK Slavery Act
Givaudan's commitment to eradicate human trafficking and slavery from its operations and direct supply chain is expressed through our compliance to the Modern Slavery Act (2015 Bill S.54).
2018 UK Modern Slavery Act
Givaudan's commitment to eradicate human trafficking and slavery from its operations and direct supply chain is expressed through our compliance to the Modern Slavery Act (2015 Bill S.54).
2017 Sustainability Report
Givaudan’s 2017 Sustainability Report is compiled for the first time in accordance with the GRI’s new standards framework: Core Option. The Report covers a year of great progress, including the launch of a new and strengthened approach to building a sustainable business for the long term, and sets ambitious targets to reduce our environmental impact and drive responsible sourcing in our supply chains.
Position statement on reduction, refinement, replacement of animal testing
Givaudan fully supports the principle of the 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement) and invests in the development of replacement of animal testing.
2016 Sustainability Report
Givaudan’s 2016 Sustainability Report is the Company’s third report published in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s G4 guidelines. The report features our significant progress on our road to greater sustainability.
2015 Sustainability Report
Givaudan’s Sustainability Report 2015 is the Company’s second report published according to GRI G4 guidelines, the latest generation of the most widely used sustainability reporting standard in the world.
2014 GRI Sustainability Report
This year, Givaudan transitioned to G4. These rigorous guidelines, developed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), show our commitment to high levels of transparency in how we manage our environmental and social impacts.
2013 Sustainability Report
As our sustainability strategy matures and evolves, so too does the way in which we choose to communicate on our activities. Our aim is to provide a global snapshot of our approach, underpinned by the fine detail of KPI metrics.
2013 GRI Sustainability Report
It is our fiduciary duty to shareholders to ensure that Givaudan’s business is financially sustainable in the short, medium and long term.
2012 Sustainability Report
This is our fourth Sustainability Report covering our global activities
2011 Sustainability Report
This is Givaudan's third comprehensive Sustainability Report covering our global operations.
2008 Environment, Health and Safety Report
Givaudan group's Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Report for 2008.
2007 Environment, Health and Safety Report
Givaudan group's Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) report for 2007.
2006 Safety and Environmental Report
Givaudan group's Safety and Environmental Protection Report for 2006.
2005 Safety and Environmental Report
Givaudan group's Safety and Environmental Protection Report for 2005.
2004 Safety and Environmental Report
Givaudan group's Safety and Environmental Protection Report for 2004.
2003 Safety and Environmental Report
Givaudan group's Safety and Environmental Protection Report for 2003.
Safety and Environmental Report 2002
Givaudan group's Safety and Environmental Protection Report for 2002.
2001 Safety and Environmental Report
Givaudan group's Safety and Environmental Protection Report for 2001.
2000 Safety and Environmental Report
Givaudan group's Safety and Environmental Protection Report for 2000.