ESG ratings

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A solid track record of ESG ratings
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Our work in sustainability and ESG has been widely recognised externally.

Investors seeking companies with good performance in the areas of governance, society, and the environment are especially drawn to Givaudan shares. Leading ESG rating agencies frequently cite Givaudan as a benchmark in their evaluations of the chemical sector. They specifically highlight the development of sustainable products, business ethics, and our comprehensive sustainability reporting.


– Climate
– Water
– Forests

A (leader)
A (leader)

February 2024
February 2024
February 2024


Gold Medal



Rated as low risk with a score of 19.3 and a chemicals industry ranking 30 out of 587

August 2023



July 2024

Rating in detail
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Givaudan has been recognised for its global leadership in climate and water for the fifth consecutive year with a prestigious double A rating from CDP. Givaudan is one of a small number of companies that achieved a double A, out of nearly 15,000 companies scored.

As a double A list company, we are leaders in corporate transparency and action on climate change and water security.

For the first time in 2023 Givaudan reported on forests as part of its CDP disclosure, securing an A– signalling strong progress on its efforts to address deforestation. The CDP forests questionnaire focuses on how organisations produce, source, and use four key forest risk commodities: timber, cattle products, soy, and palm oil. 

CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognised as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. A CDP A rating is awarded to companies who are going beyond awareness and management to showing environmental leadership and demonstrating best practice in strategy and action.

This latest independent, external recognition of Givaudan’s performance underlines its bold purpose and sustainability ambitions, including its commitment to becoming climate positive before 2050 and its continued commitment to water stewardship.


Givaudan has been ranked in the top 5% of the EcoVadis Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment 2024, achieving the EcoVadis Gold medal. Givaudan has been recognised in EcoVadis’ top performing categories for the past 10 years.

The EcoVadis assessment evaluates how well a company has integrated the principles of CSR into its business and management systems. It examines categories including environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement and assesses the performance of companies across multiple sectors.

In the 2024 assessment, Givaudan proudly maintained its overall score, with a significant increase in the category of ethics, with the score for this area increasing by 10 points.


Givaudan was categorised as a ‘low-risk’ company with a score of 19.3, with the score of 30 out of 587 in the chemical industry and 12 out of 148 in the speciality chemicals subindustry. 

Sustainalytics is the leading independent global provider of ESG and corporate governance research and ratings to investors.

MSCI index

In 2024, Givaudan was rated as a leader in managing ESG related risk and in capitalising ESG related opportunities in its industry. Givaudan was recognised with an overall AAA rating by MSCI for the eighth time in a row.

MSCI is a leading provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community. With more than 50 years of expertise in research, data and technology, MSCI powers investment decisions by enabling clients to understand and analyse key drivers of risk and return and confidently build more effective portfolios.

MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure a company’s resilience to long-term ESG risks. Companies are scored on an industry relative AAA-CCC scale across the most relevant key issues based on a company’s business model.


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