Givaudan signs WBCSD CEO Guide to Human Rights
Givaudan has also endorsed WBCSD’s CEO call-to-action on Human Rights
The WBCSD CEO Guide to Human Rights provides insight into how organisations are meeting their corporate responsibility to respect human rights. It sets out the actions that businesses must take to lead the way in this vital space and acts as call-to-action to encourage others to join these efforts.
The advice presented in the Guide is built around four key areas; Know, Lead, Engage and Collaborate. Business leaders are urged by CEO signatories to Know and understand the most important Human Rights for their own organisations, to Lead from the top, to Engage transparently with stakeholders and to Collaborate beyond their comfort zones.
Givaudan CEO Gilles Andrier commented: “We are proud to be part of the WBCSD CEO Guide to Human Rights as we continue to strengthen our commitment in this area. Protecting Human Rights is fundamental to living our purpose; creating for happier, healthier lives with love for nature and to the B Corp journey we are on.”
“Social Responsibility and Human Rights are deeply ingrained in our Givaudan culture. We consider this to be part of a basic license to operate our business, and a means of continuing to drive action through collaboration and transparency.”
In addition to being part of the WBCSD Guide to Human Rights, Givaudan endorses the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We base our human rights commitment on the International Bill of Human Rights consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s fundamental conventions on Rights at Work. We support the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. We expect our suppliers to also operate in line with these international standards and conventions.
About Givaudan
Givaudan is a global leading company in taste and wellbeing, and fragrance and beauty. With its heritage stretching back over 250 years, the Company has a long history of innovating scents and tastes. From a favourite drink to your daily meal, from prestige perfumes to cosmetics and laundry care, its creations inspire emotions and delight millions of consumers the world over. The Company is committed to driving purpose-led, long-term growth while leading the way to improve happiness and health for people and nature. In the fiscal year 2019, the Company employed over 14,900 people worldwide and achieved sales of CHF 6.2 billion and a free cash flow of 12.7% of sales. Let’s imagine together on www.givaudan.com.
For further information please contact
Pierre Bénaich, Givaudan Media and Investor Relations
T +41 22 780 9053
E pierre.benaich@givaudan.com
Sara Neame, Sustainability Communications
T +44 7801 293776
E sara.neame@givaudan.com