Newest odour neutralising technology

Givaudan has launched NeutraZap™, a fragrance design solution, which is highly effective at combatting malodour and restoring self-confidence and wellbeing.

Urinary incontinence is not just a medical problem: it can affect lives emotionally, psychologically and socially, leaving people afraid to do regular daily activities. One of the biggest concerns of people who suffer from incontinence is experiencing an incident in public and having others find out – odour is a potential flag.

Givaudan has been working on solutions, perceived or not as fragranced, to remove this element of the problem. After developing a realistic urine malodour model, we used a trained panel to get consistent sensory performance data on different technologies and benchmarks, before using real urine for final validation.

NeutraZap™ non-perfumistic solution mainly targets individuals who wish to avoid any recognisable fragrance scent that might signal in itself an odour problem. 

When applied to pads/pants, the solution provides high odour control, but the majority of people will be unsure if the pads/pants are fragranced.

The perfumed version has been created mainly for the care-giver market, for soft furnishings and the residential care home market, where a pleasant, recognisable scent is appreciated to reassure the consumer of the efficiency of the product.
