Cup cake
  • Welcome by Stefan Furrer
  • What we’ll cover in this lesson
  • Watch the video
  • In a nutshell
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Welcome by Stefan Furrer
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Stefan Furrer, Senior Research Investigator

I’m Stefan Furrer, and I’m excited to welcome you to this episode of the Sweet Smart Masterclass. With over 25 years of experience in organic chemistry and research, I’ve had the privilege of working on fascinating projects shaping our research direction. Today, we’ll explore the natural chemical space and its impact on the discovery of new sweet modulation ingredients. Learn more about me here. Join me as we delve into the world of natural products and their role in creating better-tasting sugar-reduced foods!

Stefan Furrer, Senior Research Investigator


What we’ll cover in this lesson
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What we’ll cover in this lesson

In this lesson, we’ll be exploring the natural chemical space and its impact on ingredient discovery. Emphasising the importance of adopting a systematic, data-driven approach, we’ll discover how to map the chemical space, employing AI and cheminformatics to navigate it effectively and identify high net worth areas to investigate. Together, we’ll learn how these techniques lead to the discovery of new ingredients and the reduction of sugar content in foods.

  1. The significance of natural products and the development of a data-driven research approach
  2. Shifting focus in the flavour industry from volatile compounds to larger, more complex structures
  3. Exploration of sweetness as a complex sensory experience and the role of volatiles
  4. The importance of mapping and navigating the vast natural chemical space
  5. The role of AI and cheminformatics in ingredient discovery
Watch the video
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Watch the video

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Brush up on some key facts by checking out the engaging content below.

In a nutshell
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In a nutshell

How many compounds have been characterised from natural sources?


Over 450,000
Which aromas are triggered by the following volatile molecules?

Isoamyl acetate




Furfuryl mercaptan

Coffee bean


Data-driven ingredient discovery involves the use of several phases and techniques






The creation of a visual or conceptual representation of the natural chemical space.

Grouping molecules or compounds together based on shared features or characteristics.

Key reference points or notable areas within the natural chemical space.

Specific attributes, constraints, or criteria set to define the selection of potential ingredients.


How are FEMA GRAS compounds relevant to ingredient discovery?

FEMA GRAS compounds

FEMA GRAS compounds provide a ‘landmark’ in the natural chemical space. These compounds are well-established and considered safe for use in flavour creation, making them valuable reference points for researchers looking for new ingredients.


What field of study focuses on storing, searching, visualising and applying information about chemical compounds?


Discover more
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Season 1
Eating ice cream from a carton cup

Sweet sensation – using biology to redesign sweet taste

Presented by Jay Slack,
Research Fellow

Go to lesson 01

Browsing mobile phone

Sweet tech – designing a sugar-reduced future through AI

Presented by Rahul Siva,
Research Investigator

Go to lesson 02

Sweet discoveries – 
navigating the natural chemical space
