Leading to impact

Young plants
  • Our partnership with Earthworm Foundation
  • Watch the interview
Our partnership with Earthworm Foundation
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A discussion with Hallvard Bremnes and Bastien Sachet, CEO Earthworm Foundation.

Collaboration is a vital ingredient as we progress towards our bold purpose and sustainability ambitions. Our partnership with Earthworm Foundation is a great example of this. 

Earthworm Foundation is a global non-profit organisation focused on transforming supply chains for the benefit of nature and people. Through this collaboration, which we embarked on in 2017, Earthworm Foundation not only supports us in implementing our Responsible Sourcing programme but also in co-designing innovative solutions like landscape projects, which address urgent challenges such as deforestation and build value for people and nature. 

Our Global Head of Sustainability, Hallvard Bremnes, caught up with Bastien Sachet, CEO of Earthworm Foundation as part of Earthworm’s ‘Leading to impact’ campaign, a series of interviews with sustainability leaders, examining what drives their decision-making, how they pioneer new solutions and how they are tackling environmental and social challenges within their business. 

Watch as Hallvard and Bastien explore everything from how we are working with our supply chain to accelerate progress towards our ambition to become climate positive before 2050, to why hope, optimism and action matters more than ever when it comes to tackling society’s most urgent challenges. 

“Hope is essential. We can all do something. If you see a problem or a challenge, this is where to start.”

Hallvard Bremnes, Global Head of Sustainability

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