Givaudan publishes
Sustainability Report 2015

Continued progress and strengthened strategic focus

Givaudan announced today the publication of its Sustainability Report 2015, published in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 reporting guidelines.

At-a-glance 2015 highlights:

  • Improved eco-efficiency performance:
    • CO2 emissions reduced by 30.9%1
    • Energy efficiency improved by 15.4%1
    • Waste reduced by 42.8%1
    • Water efficiency improved by 10.4%1
    • 30,000 tonnes decrease in absolute scope2 1 and 2 CO2 emissions (despite 24% higher production output)
    • Strengthened 2020 eco-efficiency targets3
  • Top CDP Score of 100A
  • Continued progress in supply chain audit
  • Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil supply chain certification of European sites
  • Update on sourcing initiatives showing innovative partnering with local communities

2015 saw the culmination of a five-year strategy cycle for Givaudan, along with the introduction of a new roadmap for 2020 based on responsible growth and shared success. Sustainability is embedded in all three pillars of its 2020 strategy: growing with our customers, delivering with excellence, and partnering for shared success.

Today’s consumers want more sustainable products. CEO Gilles Andrier said: “By leveraging our consumer insights, creative capabilities and innovation, we continue to help our customers respond to this demand. The Company strives for continuous improvement of operational processes to deliver on our strengthened eco-efficiency targets. We collaborate with suppliers on sustainable sourcing, and partner with our employees to promote responsible practices in the workplace and beyond.”

Innovation is one of four main areas driving sustainable performance at Givaudan. In parallel with the publication of the 2015 report, the corporate website has been updated to include four feature stories demonstrating ‘the way we innovate’ through advances in natural bioscience, skin sensitisation techniques, plant-based protein and product safety.

Givaudan’s Sustainability Report 2015 is the Company’s second report published according to GRI G4 guidelines, the latest generation of the most widely used sustainability reporting standard in the world. The full report is independently assured by EY LLP and available for download:

> Sustainability Report 2015

Notes to the editor

1 Per tonne of product against 2009 baseline:

  • Energy consumption: 20% reduction, per tonne of product by 2020
  • Water use: 15% reduction, per tonne of product, by 2020 (for municipal and groundwater)
  • Direct and indirect CO2 emissions: 25% reduction, per tonne of product, by 2020 (indirect relates to purchased energy and not energy used by others e.g. our raw materials suppliers)
  • Total weight of incinerated and land-filled waste by type and disposal: 15% reduction, per tonne of product, by 2020

2 Scope 1 and scope 2: The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard classifies a company's GHG emissions into three ‘scopes’. Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy. Scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissions.

3 Our revised 2020 eco-efficiency targets are as follows:

  • Stabilise our carbon footprint by reducing our absolute CO2 emissions by at least 4% year on year in order to compensate for our growing production volumes
  • Reduce our waste production and energy consumption per tonne of product by 4% year on year
  • Reduce our water usage by 15% per tonne of product between 2010 and 2020*
* This target remains unchanged compared to the original 2020 eco-efficiency target for water announced in 2010.

About Givaudan

Givaudan is the global leader in the creation of fragrances and flavours. In close collaboration with food, beverage, consumer product and fragrance partners, Givaudan develops tastes and scents that delight consumers the world over. With a passion to understand consumers’ preferences and a relentless drive to innovate, Givaudan is at the forefront of creating fragrances and flavours that ‘engage your senses’. The Company achieved sales of CHF 4.4 billion in 2015. Headquartered in Switzerland with local presence in over 80 locations, the Company has more than 9,500 employees worldwide. Givaudan invites you to discover more at

About GRI

GRI is an international independent organisation that has pioneered corporate sustainability reporting since 1997. GRI helps businesses, governments and other organisations understand and communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues such as climate change, human rights, corruption and many others. With thousands of reporters in over 90 countries, GRI provides the world’s most trusted and widely used standards on sustainability reporting, enabling organisations and their stakeholders to make better decisions based on information that matters. More than 35 countries and regions reference GRI in their policies. GRI is built upon a unique multi-stakeholder principle, which ensures the participation and expertise of diverse stakeholders in the development of its standards. GRI’s mission is to empower decision-makers everywhere, through its standards and multi-stakeholder network, to take action towards a more sustainable economy and world.

For further information please contact:

Peter Wullschleger, Media and Investor Relations
T +41 22 780 9093

For Sustainability at Givaudan
