Anything but plain vanilla

Vanilla is one of the world’s best-loved flavours. With its sweet taste and creamy aroma, it’s a universal favourite not only for ice cream, but also for sweet goods, dairy and non-dairy products.
Givaudan’s TasteEssentials® Vanilla offers the highest quality, authentic and creative vanilla flavours and tastes. We have unlocked how consumers in different parts of the world think about vanilla.
Vanilla variations around the world
From Los Angeles to Shanghai, literally hundreds of different vanilla flavours, tastes and concepts have undergone consumer tasting, giving our customers the opportunity to see what’s hot – or perhaps more precisely, in many cases, what’s cold.
Vanilla is one of those rare ingredients that is emotionally-charged. Our focus group participants often express fond memories of childhood, holidays, indulgence and shared moments; consumers taste their lives through our wide range of vanilla flavours. Time and again, we notice common threads in our research. The words creamy, milky, beany and buttery topped the list of attributes that inspire consumers to change their opinion from ‘I like’ to ‘I love’.
Of course, vanilla does not just mean plain vanilla. A vast array of flavour variations can be combined with it to create a whole new taste experience. Over the course of just three years, our sensory team mapped 75 of the most popular vanilla ice creams with over 4,000 consumers from 20 different countries and identified preferences and drivers of liking.

A broad portfolio
In order to meet all of your needs, our product offering covers a wide selection of vanilla profiles, and delivers cost-effective vanilla as well as vanilla-based natural flavour solutions.
From extracts based on certified vanilla beans from Madagascar to natural solutions to replace ethyl-vanillin, we have the right vanilla solution for your product.
Givaudan’s leadership in vanilla is also backed by over 100 years of experience in global sourcing of vanilla beans and extracting vanilla. Our longstanding supply relationships and our sourcing experts guarantee the supply of high-quality vanilla from Madagascar and other key vanilla-producing regions.
Building upon a strong heritage, and via continual investment in vanilla flavours and taste, Givaudan collaborates with customers around the world to bring vanilla flavours to life, delighting consumers in the process.
Discover our natural vanilla flavours Discover our natural vanillin