Tip 8: Don’t leave devices and storage media unattended
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The risks
On your devices, you store personal and business information. If you lose your device or it is stolen, you also lose this information. |
In case you have no backup, your photos, contacts, SMSes, documents, etc. are gone - forever. |
And if your device is not secured properly, the thief has access to all your data. |
When crossing a border, your devices may get inspected or confiscated by the authorities: in such a case, you must assume that all your data has been copied. |
Useful tips
Do not let your devices unattended. Keep it with you at all times or lock it away. |
Always double check you didn't leave anything behind when leaving a plane, train or restaurant. |
Put the devices in carry on luggage. Checked in luggage can be opened and devices stolen. |
Encrypt your devices (personal and business). If you don't know how to encrypt your business devices, contact your IT Service Desk. |
Cleanup regularly to travel with the minimum and only take the data you need with you to avoid unnecessary disclosure of information to authorities when crossing borders in some countries. |
Immediately report lost devices or documents to the IT Service Desk and your manager. |
Scary statistics
70 million smartphones are lost each year, with only 7% recovery.
One laptop is stolen every 53 seconds.
25% of these devices are stolen from cars or during transportation.