Sustained energy. Limitless potential.

Life is busier than ever. Consumers across the world are finding it harder to stay focused, manage stress and sleep well.

In the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, consumers want holistic solutions; they associate day-to-day energy with their overall wellbeing. This heralded a change in perceptions of traditional energy beverages (the heavy sugar hit combined with high caffeine and taurine content).
New, better-for-you energy beverages can give consumers the lift they’re looking for, enhancing mood, cognitive performance and physical health – as well as improving, rather than disrupting their sleep. This presents an opportunity.
Energy beverages represent the biggest growth potential amongst all non-alcoholic beverages in the Asia-Pacific region, with a CAGR of +7.5% in 2024-25. A third (31%) of APAC consumers would drink energy beverages more often if the products improved their concentration.1
Source: Globaldata Consumer survey 2023
Wellness in a bottle for work, life and play
Givaudan’s Energy Semiotics study – the first of its kind – explored how consumers across Australia, China and Thailand relate to ‘energy’.
for three key benefits to live their lives to the fullest

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