Givaudan opens new savoury development centre in Kemptthal (Switzerland)

With a view to further enhance and consolidate its European flavour development set-up, Givaudan has inaugurated a new Savoury Development Centre in Kemptthal (Zurich, Switzerland). As a consequence, the activities of the Culinary Technology Centre in Tremblay (Paris, France) will be transferred to Kemptthal. The new centre will include savoury creation and application facilities as well as experimental kitchens and pilot equipment to allow testing of flavours under industrial conditions, making this centre unique in its kind in the industry.

The transfer of the Tremblay activities will be finalised by mid 2005. 16 positions are affected by this change. A social plan has been established. The French team for flavour sales, creation and application will be concentrated at the existing Givaudan facility in Argenteuil (Paris).

For further information please contact
Peter Wullschleger, Givaudan Media Relations
T +41 22 780 9093
