Transparency across supply chains with Sourcing4Good

Givaudan Story
  • Sourcing4Good programme
  • Our responsible sourcing ambition
  • How Sourcing4Good works
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Sourcing4Good programme
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Givaudan requires a constant supply of more than 11,000 raw materials from across the globe, many of which are sourced from remote communities where there can be environmental and economic pressures.

Today, reflecting our ambition to source all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment by 2030, we have strengthened and expanded our Responsible Sourcing programme into an umbrella programme called Sourcing4Good.

We have always shown leadership in responsible sourcing, traceability, and transparency to meet our customer, consumer and environmental needs and expectations; Givaudan was the first in the flavours and fragrances industry to publish a Responsible Sourcing Policy. Sourcing4Good is based on collaboration and knowledge-sharing, experience and expert input from suppliers, customers and partners.

We believe this programme is a win for everyone as we grow our business together and act as a force for good: it is based on industry criteria ranging from environmental and social benchmarks, improved supply chain security, greater transparency and more relevant supply chain information. Our suppliers can expect more visibility and the opportunity for partnerships, while our customers will have greater access to safe, high-quality product sourced in a responsible way and increased oversight and detailed knowledge of their supply chains. 

Our responsible sourcing ambition
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Our responsible sourcing ambition

By 2030, we will source all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment



By 2030, 
100% of materials and services
will be sourced responsibly



Actions and measures
  • Our Sourcing4Good programme and our Responsible Sourcing Policy
  • Conducting Due Diligence Questionnaires with our suppliers

Read more on our responsible sourcing actions and measures


  1. Percentage by procurement spend, flagged as sourced responsibly upon completion of basic due diligence as defined in our Sourcing4Good programme.
How Sourcing4Good works
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How Sourcing4Good works

Created in partnership with expert multidisciplinary teams, Sourcing4Good encompasses all 18,000 of our active suppliers and applies to all materials (natural and synthetic) as well as indirect materials and services.


The progress and success will be measured against four goals

Improve working conditions in factory, farm and at collector level
Improve working conditions in factory, farm and at collector level
Promote sustainable agricultural practices and preserve wild harvest supply chains
Promote sustainable agricultural practices and preserve wild harvest supply chains
Promote sustainable agricultural practices and preserve wild harvest supply chains
Reduce environmental footprints and promote biodiversity
Improve the lives of the communities where we source
Improve the lives of the communities where we source

We expect our suppliers to share our commitment to clean and safe working conditions, good agricultural and collection practices, animal welfare and environmental stewardship. To these ends, our new programme includes the status of our suppliers and materials and the levels of rigour and partnerships in place. This programme includes four levels of supplier status: this is designed to increase transparency, reduce risk and generate greater traceability and data. The ultimate aim is for our full portfolio of ingredients, materials and services to be sourced responsibly.

Read more about responsible sourcing

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