Taking positive action against climate change

Givaudan Story
  • A climate-positive future
  • Our climate action ambitions
  • On target
  • Progress on climate action 2022-2024
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A climate-positive future
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Our nature goals are backed by bold ambitions, and our aim to become climate positive before 2050 is one of our boldest.

A climate positive future

To be climate positive means not only to achieve net-zero carbon emissions – i.e. to reduce all our greenhouse gas emissions to zero – but to remove more greenhouse gases from the atmosphere than we put in. We will do this by tackling greenhouse gas emissions in our own operations and across our supply chain, taking bold and rigorous steps to tackle this area, with a special focus on product formulations, transportation, energy and reforestation. Watch the video below to find out more.

Read our climate positive story

Our climate action ambitions
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Our emission ambitions

Before 2050, we will be a climate positive business based on scope 1+2+3 emissions according to the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol


Target: Our operations

Before 2030, 
our operations’ carbon emissions
(scope 1+2) will be cut by 70%

Before 2040,
we will be climate positive
(baseline 2015) 


– 48%

Actions and measures
  • Setting an internal carbon price
  • Fixing site environmental targets and assessments
  • Switching to renewable energy sources
  • Signing the UN pledge ‘Business Ambition for 1.5°C’
  • Promoting energy efficiency


Target: Our supply chain

Before 2030, 
our supply chain emissions 
(scope 3) will be cut by 20%

Before 2050,
we will be climate positive
(baseline 2015) 


+ 6%

Actions and measures
  • Sourcing ingredients responsibly
  • Developing low-carbon creations
  • Driving circularity and upcycling
  • Optimising packaging, logistics, transport of goods, business travel and employee commuting
  • Supplier engagement


Our electricity ambitions

Before 2050, we will be a climate positive business based on scope 1+2+3 emissions according to the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol


Target: Our electricity 

By 2025, 
100% of our entire electricity supply
to be converted to
fully renewable sources



Actions and measures
  • Committing to RE100 since 2015
  • Setting site renewable electricity targets
  • Generating on-site renewable electricity

Read more on our climate actions and measures

On target
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On target

We have set stringent standards for ourselves and wish to be accountable for our climate action, every step of the way:

  • In 2019, we were among the first major companies to join the fight against global warming and signed the UN Pledge Business Ambition for 1.5°C through the Science-Based Targets initiative.
  • In September 2020 we signed the Corporate Leaders Group (CLG) Europe CEO letter to the EU on 2030 GHG emissions targets.
  • We are part of Business for Nature, a global coalition of businesses that are urging governments to urgently adopt policies to reverse nature loss.
  • By 2025, we will have achieved our RE100 commitment to convert our entire electricity supply to fully renewable sources.
  • By 2030, we will have reached our Science Based Targets initiative-approved target to reduce operational emissions by 70% and supply chain emissions by 20%.
  • In 2023, CDP once again awarded us its highest ‘A’ score for climate action.  
Progress on climate action 2022-2024
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Progress on climate action 2022-2024



Our operations’ carbon emissions (scope 1+2) will be cut by 70% before 2030 and will be climate positive before 2040

– 35% ¹

–  43% ¹

– 48% ¹

Our supply chain emissions (scope 3) will be cut by 20% before 2030 and will be climate positive before 2050

– 1% ¹

– 8% ¹

+ 6% ¹

Renewable electricity

100% of our entire electricity supply to be converted to fully renewable sources by 2050





Givaudan will reach zero operational² waste directed to landfill for all manufacturing sites by 2030

46% ³

58% ³

59% ³

Givaudan will decrease its operational waste for disposal intensity by 15% by 2030 (baseline 2020)

+ 13%

+ 8%

– 8%

Water efficiency

Improve water efficiency by a 25% water withdrawal rate reduction on sites facing water stress by 2030 (baseline 2020)




We will continuously improve water efficiency on all other sites by a water withdrawal rate reduction

– 7%

– 3%

– 9%

100% of our wastewater discharge will meet or exceed regularly and industry standards by 2030

in progress



  1. Compared to baseline year 2015.

  2. Excluding one-time-only waste and waste sent to landfill only when other existing technical alternatives are not allowed due to regulatory requirements.

  3. The status shows the percentage of sites already hitting our target.

  4. New target in 2022.

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For more on our latest progress, read our 2024 Integrated Report on economic and ESG performance.

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