Ethics and compliance

  • Structures and programmes
  • Data protection and privacy
  • Regulatory compliance and product safety
  • Trade affairs
  • EHS – Environment Health and Safety
  • Robust and sustainable tax strategy
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Structures and programmes
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We conduct our business according to high ethical standards and we comply with laws, regulations and internal policies.

This includes upholding and demanding strong ethical principles in our relationships with customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees, competitors, government agencies and the communities in which we are present.

Ethics and compliance structures and programmes

Our Ethics and Compliance programme is based on the concept of ‘prevent-detect-respond’. Regular compliance risk assessments are carried out by the Corporate Ethics & Compliance team.

We have a Group-wide compliance helpline which allows employees to report suspected or actual misconduct or violations of the Company’s policies confidentially. As part of our Responsible Sourcing Policy we also have a grievance mechanism that allows our partners to bring grievances to our attention.

Vetting third-party agents and suppliers

Other compliance processes cover the way in which third-party agents and distributors are selected and engaged, and how global suppliers are procured. Dedicated corporate functions oversee and manage specific areas of operational compliance risk.

Ongoing training

The latest training was rolled out from Q4 2023 onwards. 5,116 Givaudan employees on the top five job levels worldwide have undergone this training in 2023; out of which 1,126 in Asia Pacific, 2,158 in Europe, 588 in Latin America, 900 in North America and 344 in South Asia, Middle East and Africa. 

A target completion rate of 90% has been established for all Ethics and Compliance training modules, encompassing Principles of Conduct and Anti-Bribery training. We track this figure annually serving as a key metric in our efforts to combat corruption and unethical behaviour within the organisation.

Data protection and privacy
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Data protection and privacy

The Givaudan Global Privacy and Data Protection Policy is based on European data protection laws (in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679) and sets a Group-wide minimum standard for processing personal data.

Our Group Data Protection Officer oversees implementation of the Group Data Protection programme.

Regulatory compliance and product safety
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Regulatory compliance and product safety

Frequent changes in the regulatory environment around the world can impact our customers’ products. Givaudan teams, from scientists and toxicologists to specialists in regulatory affairs, help bring our customers clarity and understanding of these changes and their implications.

While regulatory compliance of our products is essential, it is also important for us to lead efforts in shaping the landscape of our industry through advocacy and membership in industry organisations.

We are going beyond the established safety standards and helping customers manage a complex regulatory landscape through our expertise in: regulatory expertise and advocacy, product stewardship, toxicology and product, human and environmental safety, data and systems management, compliance, communication and information services.

Trade affairs
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Trade affairs

Our primary mission as a compliance body is to ensure that Givaudan, through its processes, technologies, and people, understands and complies with international trade laws. However, mere compliance is not sufficient to differentiate ourselves from the competition.

By promoting and implementing solutions and programmes to leverage financial opportunities and reduce operational delays at customs, we ensure that adequate controls are in place and those business decisions and risks related to the international movement of goods are validated prior to execution.

EHS – Environment Health and Safety
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EHS – Environment Health and Safety

Ensuring the safety, health and wellbeing of our staff is an essential part of being a responsible company and employer and we actively promote safe and secure working environments for all. We look to reduce the number of health and safety incidents by improving the workplace environment, safety behaviour and awareness through a number of measures. We strive to manage risks associated with working in industrial environments and with hazardous chemicals.

This commitment is formalised in our EHS Policy, a set of principles embraced by Givaudan’s leadership. We have demonstrated this commitment by signing the Responsible Care Global Charter, through which we seek to ensure that our suppliers comply with environmental, health and safety requirements as well as social and business integrity.

Robust and sustainable tax strategy
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Robust and sustainable tax strategy: respecting compliance obligations

The Group adopts a long term tax strategy, with sustainability and compliance at the core, in full alignment with the organisational business structure and governance framework of the Group. As a Company which operates in many different jurisdictions around the world, the Group respects its obligations under both international and domestic tax principles and laws. The tax operating model of the Group is fully aligned with the business structure and strives to create a robust and sustainable platform, which supports the achievement of the Group’s business objectives. The tax strategy of the Group is set forth in the Tax Policy.

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