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  • Download our Sense paper dedicated to plant-based meat and fish
  • Learn about our Protein Challenge at Chef’s Council London
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Download our white papers

For more insights, get access to the white papers we created in collaboration with the great minds at the University of California, Berkeley.

10 Alternative Protein Pathways white paper

10 Alternative Protein Pathways: Opportunities for greater efficiency
To continue to innovate in a rapidly evolving market, alt-protein companies need to become even more efficient, from processes to partnerships. This research, together with the University of California Berkeley identifies 10 pathways to maximise efficiency in alt-protein for greater success.

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    The Protein Horizon white paper

    The Protein Horizon: alternative protein technologies enabling the future of food experiences
    What technologies exist today for creating protein alternatives and what new innovations are on the horizon? This new research looks at the future of meat and fish alternatives and explores available technologies, the opportunities they offer, as well as providing a glimpse into what's to come in this dynamic space.

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      Plant Attitude: Mind the nutritional gap white paper

      Plant Attitude: mind the nutritional gap
      Can plant-based products carry the same nutritional benefits as their animal counterparts? This research explores the nutritional profiles of plant-based products and examines the importance of nutrition both in terms of science and consumer expectations.

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        The fishless wave white paper

        The fishless wave: plant-based fish and seafood on the rise
        This research explores the fish and seafood alternatives market, identifying the main industry challenges, analysing consumer demands and characterising market developments for plant-based protein.

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        The future of plant protein white paper

        The future of plant protein
        Based on cutting-edge research conducted on over 40 unique plant proteins, in this white paper you’ll discover the six alternative proteins that made the shortlist for the ‘next new protein’.

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        Plant-based dairy vs traditional dairy: friends or foes?

        Join Catherine and Laurence, our dairy alternative experts, as they explore the recent plant-based dairy innovations and trends, introduce our latest consumer insights research, and answer the burning question: are plant-based dairy and dairy friends or foes?

        They shared their insights during the Food Navigator Protein Vision Interactive Broadcast Series 2022, which focused on understanding consumers' consumption attitudes and behaviours towards dairy alternatives.


        Watch the on demand presentation

        Think beyond mimicking – a culinary approach

        While our skills, portfolio and knowledge are perfectly suited to help our customers create incredible plant-based meat, dairy and fish alternatives, there is an enormous opportunity to create plant-based, centre of plate foods that don’t aim to mimic a meat or dairy product. We use a culinary approach combined with deep innovation to create food concepts that delight consumers without mimicking.

        Recently at the Future Food-Tech Alternative Proteins event, two of our experts gave insights on our culinary thinking and a new novel example of how to bring this centre of plate concept to life.


        Watch the on demand presentation  

        How to succeed in the plant-based space - putting culinary excellence at the forefront of innovation

        A Givaudan webcast in collaboration with Food Matters Live 2020
        Flexitarians, reducetarians and plant-forward trends are driving changes in taste, culinary traditions and food consumption habits. Chefs, food service and retail businesses are rethinking their menus, centre of plate and products. As a result, neither protein nor centre of plate will ever be the same!

        Today, consumers expect alternative protein products to taste great and deliver on a number of other factors. Some are looking for authentic meatiness, fattiness and juiciness, as well as a texture that resembles meat; others are seeking an exciting taste and culinary experience.

        Making an alternative protein product that exceeds consumer demands means understanding taste, texture, mouthfeel, colour, aroma and other product attributes. Givaudan can help you on your journey to develop plant-based products that consumers will love. With an expert panel of chefs, scientists, and commercial peers this webcast takes a deep dive into the role of culinary in the alternative-protein movement.


        Watch the on demand webcast

        Download our Sense paper dedicated to plant-based meat and fish
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        Download our Sense paper dedicated to plant-based meat and fish

        Discover how colour, texture and preservation can help create multi-sensory plant-based food experiences. 

        Plant Attitude food experiences white paper

        Creating multi-sensory food experiences in plant-based meat and fish: why colour, texture and preservation matter
        Great taste is crucial to plant-based meat and fish, but it’s not enough. Consumers expect cooking and eating experiences that spark emotion and excite all of the senses. Givaudan has the expertise you need to recreate mouthwatering meat and fish flavours in plant-based products. Through our Sense offering, we also go beyond taste to help you deliver multi-sensory food experiences with authentic colours, compelling textures and lasting freshness.

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            Learn about our Protein Challenge at Chef’s Council London
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            Learn about our Protein Challenge at Chef’s Council London

            In 2019, Givaudan teams from around the world and an amazing group of guest chefs gathered together in one of the world’s great culinary hotspots to consider one of today’s biggest topics in food, protein. Discover their inspirations and findings.

            Visit the protein challenge  

            Choose your market
            Meat alternatives
            Plant-based meat alternatives
            From burgers to sausages to cutlets, the consumption of meat-free products is rising at an unprecedented rate.
            Fish and seafood alternatives
            Plant-based fish and seafood alternatives
            Consumer interest in plant-based fish alternatives is growing and is poised for a rapid rise like other alternative protein products.
            Dairy alternatives
            Plant-based dairy alternatives
            More and more consumers are reducing their consumption of dairy yoghurt and beverages as plant-based dairy’s popularity continues to grow.
            Functional beverages
            Nutritional beverages
            Nutritional beverages with high protein content are becoming ever more popular for sports and a healthy fix on the go.