Adding nutrients naturally with Nutri Essentials

  • Health from within
  • A square meal
  • Superfruits – vitamin C from acerola
  • Superveggies – vitamin A from carrot
  • Supergrains – beta-glucans from oat
  • Natural force
Health from within
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As well as living and eating healthily, today’s consumers are increasingly seeking out powerhouse food and beverage products with highly specific benefits.

Featuring a whole host of naturally-derived functional vitamins, minerals and fibres, our Nutri Essentials ingredient portfolio places you at the forefront of this new movement. We have the whole food nutrients you need, from superfruits to supergrains and from farm to fermentation.

Health from within

Consumers are increasingly looking to nutrition to improve their overall wellbeing, embracing a more holistic approach to health by swinging in favour of food and beverages packed with whole food nutrients. Different life stages and lifestyles require different approaches. Whether in response to pregnancy or ageing, veganism or vegetarianism, or because a localised diet demands it, everyone has different deficiencies they want to address.

As a result, producers are exploring ways to enhance the nutritional profile of their products. By becoming a ‘natural source’ of a particular vitamin or ‘rich in’ a specific mineral, the food and beverage industry can provide consumers with the go-to ingredients they desire.

A square meal
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A square meal

In this new era, in which food serves a greater purpose than simply quelling hunger pangs, you can depend on Givaudan to add substance to your products. By meeting the growing demand for vitamin, mineral and fibre ingredients from whole food sources, we can help make your products work in unison with a consumer’s time of life, choice of diet or geographical location. Our far-reaching Nutri Essentials solutions can improve the nutritional makeup of all food and drinks, working effectively to boost consumer wellbeing by reducing common deficiencies or increasing food nutrient density.

Superfruits – vitamin C from acerola
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Superfruits – vitamin C from acerola

The acerola cherry is a superfruit cultivated in the northeast region of Brazil. One of the richest natural sources of vitamin C, phytonutrients and antioxidants, it’s a hero ingredient for Givaudan.

As such, we apply our commitment to sustainability by working with local producers to responsibly source from small scale farms in Brazil, ensuring precise traceability, environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

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Superveggies – vitamin A from carrot
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Superveggies – vitamin A from carrot

The carrot offers a familiar, plant-based ingredient with a vibrant colour and antioxidant effect. Carrots contain carotenoids, a natural provitamin A, which the body converts into vitamin A.

Our carrots can be traced to the field, where they are grown by small, responsible suppliers in Germany. 

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Supergrains – beta-glucans from oat
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Supergrains – beta-glucans from oat

Fibre and protein are essentials for a healthy diet. Today’s well-read consumers know just how important they are in reducing the risk of developing many conditions, including high cholesterol and heart disease. It’s why plant-based ingredients, heavy in fibre and protein, form a cornerstone of our Nutri Essentials portfolio.

OatWell™ is one of our unique nutritional ingredients. It relies on the beneficial power of oats, with fewer calories. Very adaptable, it supplements products seamlessly, bringing with it identifiable clean label health benefits. High in beta-glucans, it slows down digestion, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and promotes gut health.

Learn more about OatWell™

Sweet oats
Natural force
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Natural force

Givaudan’s purpose of creating happier, healthier lives with love for nature is particularly pertinent for our Nutri Essentials portfolio. Innovative and creative, with a positive grounding in natural ingredients, Givaudan has the perfect whole food nutrient solution for your products. Combined with our expertise in taste, along with our wide range of sensory solutions, we can create the perfect nutritional experience that promises consumers enjoyment, a sense of wellbeing and a clear conscience.

Get in touch to find out more



This page is intended to provide business-to-business information. It is not for communication to end consumers.
The information provided and its uses must be checked for compliance under appropriate local regulations.
There is currently no harmonised legal definition for naturalness of food ingredients.
Any communication to end consumers must be done according to the appropriate local regulations/guidances.
