World Food Day 2023:
Supporting guaraná communities

  • Global action with local impact
  • Improving access to sanitation
  • Installation of ecological basic sanitation facilities
Global action with local impact
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World Food Day 2023 focuses on the link between water and food, calling for collective water action for food, people and planet.

Global action with local impact

We are taking action on water within our operations and in the communities where we source and operate. Specifically, we have set stringent targets for action within our supplier base and communities to improve and protect water quality and quantity in our priority natural supply chains and to improve access to water, health and sanitation (WASH) in vulnerable communities where we source and operate

We are also supporting farmers and producers as part of our goal to improve the lives of millions of people in the communities where we source and operate. Our strategy to deliver on this goal includes a focus on flagship programmes aiming to improve health and wellbeing. For example, promoting equitable access to and maintenance of clean water, dignified toilet facilities, and handwashing facilities with soap. And promoting hygiene behaviour change, handwashing and sanitation habits and food hygiene habits.

Improving access to sanitation
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Improving access to sanitation among guaraná producing communities


In Bahia, Brazil, the Givaudan Foundation, in partnership with a Brazilian organisation specialised in socio-environmental transformation of communities; has initiated a project to improve access to sanitation and water within two guaraná cooperatives.

The guaraná fruit is an iconic feature of Brazilian biodiversity and has long been cultivated through family farming. Guaraná extract, used for its caffeine content, enters in many of Givaudan taste and wellbeing creations.

Communities where guaraná is cultivated can face challenges through limited access to basic sanitation facilities and access to clean water. This leads to health risks among the communities.

Installation of ecological basic sanitation facilities
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Through an ongoing project, the Givaudan Foundation will improve access to sanitation through the installation of seven ecological basic sanitation facilities (known as BETs), which will be used for waste water treatment. The project will also raise awareness within the communities through training about the importance of adequate hygiene and sanitation.

The seven BETs, will use an innovative method known as ‘evapotransformation’ for the treatment of waters containing sewerage as well as a ‘banana circle’ (an ancient agricultural technique where banana trees are planted in a circle around a compost pit) for the treatment of waters originating from bathing, cooking and washing clothes.

Banana circle

A group of educators originating from the seven communities will be equipped to train their communities on basic sanitation and hygiene, and maintenance of the BETs. The communities will directly participate in the construction of the BETs under the guidance and technical supervision of the local implementing partner.

Sanitation and hygiene course

As a result of the initiative, the Givaudan Foundation’s work will directly benefit 140 people from seven communities comprising 80 guaraná producers.

Read more about the Givaudan Foundation   Read more about our progress on water
