TasteSolutions® for exceptional taste and nutrition experiences

  • What makes a food experience truly great?
  • Exceeding consumer desires
  • Our portfolio
What makes a food experience truly great?
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It’s easy to tell whether we like or dislike food, but what makes a food experience truly great?

‘Delicious’ and ‘nutritious’ are the key ingredients: the best products combine taste, health and wellbeing. Surpassing consumers’ expectations across all food and beverage categories is not a challenge for the faint of heart. Backed by solid science, our TasteSolutions® capabilities deliver exceptional aspects of taste and nutrition across the spectrum, from soup to nuts – and beyond.

Exceeding consumer desires
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Exceeding consumer desires

The five basic tastes that humans can detect – sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami – all play a key role in our enjoyment of food and beverages. To consistently create exceptional food experiences, it is critical to have a deep understanding of these five taste aspects, as well as the tools and technologies to bring them to life. Our TasteSolutions® capabilities unlock and balance great taste and nutrition in a way that fulfils and exceeds consumer desires, incorporating cultural nuances, authenticity and healthfulness. Explore our TasteSolutions® to find out more.

Our portfolio
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Our portfolio

Our TasteSolutions® capabilities unlock and balance great taste and nutrition in a way that fulfils and exceeds consumer desires, incorporating cultural nuances, authenticity and healthfulness.

Adding soy to a dish
TasteSolutions® Umami
TasteSolutions® Umami is combining a scientific understanding of umami, together with knowledge of taste enhancement in food.
Vegetable wrap
TasteSolutions® Freshness
Our new TasteSolutions® Freshness technology revitalises convenience foods by making dishes taste like they were prepared just moments earlier.
Bowl with spoon
TasteSolutions® Richness
With TasteSolutions® Richness you can conveniently bring the element of time to the food experience you provide your consumers.
Brownie with icing
TasteSolutions® Mouthfeel
TasteSolutions® Mouthfeel provides a rich and rounded taste sensation on the tongue, while also reducing fat and calorie levels.
Food in wooden bowls
TasteSolutions® Saltiness
TasteSolutions® Saltiness has all the flavour you need to reduce sodium levels in existing, and to develop new and innovative healthy products.
Kids eating ice cream
TasteSolutions® Sweetness
With TasteSolutions® Sweetness, we’ll help you achieve the right sweetness by providing flavour alternatives while keeping your product’s signature.