Givaudan enters exclusive sustainability partnership in Venezuela
Paris, France – 05 February 2008 – Givaudan signed an agreement for a conservation and social project in the Venezuelan Guayana Shield region to ensure the sustainable sourcing of tonka beans. Tonka is a precious, wild grown natural raw material used in various luxury fine fragrances due to its surprising profound warm and sweet note, reminiscent of caramel, almond and tobacco.
The aim of the project, part of Givaudan's Innovative Naturals programme, is to ensure forest conservation while supporting local livelihoods in the lower Caura river basin of Venezuela. The country is one of the two main producers of tonka beans globally. The tonka bean partnership and the Innovative Naturals programme were outlined at a press conference in Paris, France.
In partnership with Conservation International, a non-profit organisation, agreements are developed with the Criollo people of the Caura basin. Through these agreements, local communities receive technical and productivity assistance in exchange for their commitment to preserve the forests and the flora and fauna. This also leads to a better drying process and storage, which will improve the quality of the beans. In addition, new and faster harvest routes will increase the amount of beans collected.
As one of the biggest buyers of tonka beans in the world, Givaudan is pleased to be associated with Conservation International's work in the 4.5 million hectare region of the Caura basin, where a bio-diverse area of 88.000 hectare has been defined for effective conservation.
The project supports local communities in the pursuit of sustainable economic activities and effective forest conservation in exchange for benefits that will improve their livelihoods.
Innovative Naturals
Givaudan is active in sourcing more than 190 pure and natural raw materials for fragrances. The Innovative Naturals programme aims to enrich the palette of Givaudan's perfumers with new and exclusive naturals.
Having been inspired by nature for 200 years, Givaudan feels responsible for preserving natural resources, maintaining future supply of unique raw materials, and operating a sustainable business model involving people, products, environment and society.
"We have a responsibility in making sure that the natural resources currently used will not vanish in the future and that they are sustainable. It is in our vital interest to secure resources going forward to be able to also create the unique fragrances in the future.” says Gilles Andrier, CEO Givaudan.
For further information please contact:
Magali Dauwalder, Givaudan Media Relations
5, chemin de la Parfumerie, CH-1214 Vernier
T +41 22 780 90 88, F +41 22 780 90 90
E-mail: magali.dauwalder@givaudan.com
Juliette Crepin, Conservation International
Market Development Manager
Land Use Strategies, Conservation International
2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22202
T + 1(703) 341 2552
E-mail: jcrepin@conservation.org