Craft authentic, juicy, meaty experiences faster

Slices of ham on a plate
  • New opportunities
  • Discover our key insights
  • Decoding best-selling taste
  • Speed up your product development
  • Toolbox
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New opportunities
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Our relationship with meat is changing – and this means new opportunities in cold cuts, sausages and beyond. 

We spoke to European consumers across 6 European countries to better understand what factors are driving their purchasing decision today. 

Our new processed meat toolbox makes it quicker and easier to transform these insights into new food experiences by flexibly combining 17 tried and tested flavours. 

Discover our key insights
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Discover our key insights

We spoke to consumers across 6 European countries to understand what drives their choices around meat consumption. Here’s what we heard.


of consumers eat processed meat at least monthly. 


of consumers are eating less processed meat than in the past.

Pleasure, culture and shared moments

Key factors driving cold cut purchasing decisions today.


of consumers say that taste and quality matter.

8 in 10

of consumers say that the price must be right.

Decoding best-selling taste
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Decoding best-selling products

We asked 12 sensory experts to evaluate over 40 European pork and poultry hams to identify the key tonality essentials in best selling products.
Can you guess what they were?



Cooked pork

Cooked pork

Sausages on a serving dish




Juicy ham


Sulphury meaty ham

Sulphury meaty

Tallow ham


Umami ham


Speed up your product development
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Speed up your product development

Using what we learnt, we developed a toolbox of 17 flavour solutions, grouped into 5 key clusters. All flavours have been rigorously tested across various applications and dosages and can be used individually or combined as needed.

Meat boosters
Close the gap between traditional farm-grown meat and industrial meat.
Replace declarable enhancers like MSG or Ribotide to rebuild an umami dimension.
Salt reduction
Address all saltiness angles — from impact, body, lingering to overall salt impression.
Recreate the flavour profiles of traditionally smoked meat, without using primary smoke.
Deliver authentic roasted profiles without no browning effect nor colour impact.
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Meet our experts
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Meet our experts

Hear from our experts how our toolbox solutions can help you tackle technical challenges and enhance flavour, maintain quality and keep costs in check. 

What do processed meat consumers want? 

How can we make a cold cut product stand out? 

How can we create healthier cold cuts without compromising on taste?

How can we reduce salt content in cold cuts without compromising taste?

How can you tackle off-notes in your cold cuts and sausages?


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Get in touch

Would you like to know more about how we can team up to speed up your product development process?

Contact us